Ormco™ Digital Bonding
One Digital Workflow
One Spark Approver Software
Stock Brackets, Only 3D Printing & Assembly
Custom Bracket Placement
Doctor’s Mechanics
One portal for your Spark Clear Aligner cases and your Ormco Digital Bonding cases
One software for your Spark clear aligner cases and Ormco Digital Bonding cases.
Custom Jig Technology designed so that the ‘Cap’ wraps around the tooth buccally and lingually.
“Where precision and efficiency are paramount, Ormco Digital Bonding brings a revolutionary approach to indirect bonding of orthodontic brackets utilizing the proven technology of Damon Ultima Brackets & the Spark Aligner Platform.³”
1. Data on file
2. Wires not included
3. Dr. Michael Mayhew is a paid consultant for Ormco Corporation. The opinions expressed are those of the doctor. Ormco Corporation is a medical device manufacturer and does not dispense medical advice. Clinicians should use their own professional judgement in treating their patients.