What’s new with Spark?
Explore new releases for improving your workflow and enhancing your patients’ experience
Spark On-Demand
Order any number of Spark Aligners at an affordable price.
Ormco Combo Treatment
You can now switch patients from aligners to braces, before refinements, at no extra charge*.
Spark Desktop Approver
A fresh update improves your movie export and real-time approval capabilities.
Spark Approver Web
A whole new and improved Tooth Movement Table and better auxiliary placement editing.
Spark DTX Web Portal
Make refinement scans a thing of the past!
This will bring more flexibility to your treatment options and planning, allowing you to order any number of Spark Aligners at an affordable price without the need to subscribe to a plan.
*Shipping charges may still apply. Applicable to Spark Advance cases only. No additional refinements allowed.
Select “Switch to Brackets” by clicking a patient in the “Shipped” tab after a Spark Primary order but before submitting refinements.
Select the type of bracket to transition patients.
Select a specific Single Patient Kit for your patient but acknowledge that no future refinements will be permitted before ordering. Upon submission, the Ormco Customer Care Team processes the order free of charge, except for potential shipping fees. The option to refine or reorder will be disabled for this case.
*In class I cases with spacing or minor crowding, no C-chain, no Eruption guides and no IPR. The Recalculate tool should be used once all the modifications to the final tooth position and increasing the number of aligners are done
*Spark doctors with an active DentalMonitoring subscription can only access this feature for refinement cases. Smart STL may not be regulatory cleared in your market. Please check with your local sales representative for regulatory clearance status.”
MKT 24-0603